当前检索式 ((ALL:Zhu Zhu))
限定条件 ((发表日期:2010) AND (文献类型:期刊论文))
动物分类学报 4 Molecular Biology Re 3 Biochimie 2
Cell 2 Developmental and Co 2 Journal of Biologica 2
Journal of Insect Ph 2 昆虫学报 2 Analytical and Bioan 1
Biochemical Pharmaco 1 Biochimica Et Biophy 1 Biochimica Et Biophy 1
Bmc Genetics 1 Bmc Genomics 1 Conservation Biology 1
Hydrobiologia 1 Journal of Assisted 1 Mitochondrion 1
Molecular Human Repr 1 Nature 1