当前检索式 ((ALL:Lina Wang))
限定条件 ((文献类型:期刊论文) AND (专题:干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室))
International Journa 2 Reproduction 2 Scientific Reports 2
AGING-US 1 Acta Biomaterialia 1 AmericanJournal of H 1
Autophagy 1 BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOP 1 Cell Adhesion & Migr 1
Cell Research 1 Cellular and Molecul 1 Development 1
Frontiers of Medicin 1 Journal of Biologica 1 Journal of Cell Biol 1
Journal of Molecular 1 Journal of Virologic 1 Nucleic Acids ReseaR 1
Open Biology 1 Protein Cell 1