当前检索式 ((ALL:Liu F))
限定条件 ((文献类型:期刊论文) AND (专题:动物进化与系统学院重点实验室))
应用昆虫学报 8 Scientific Reports 5 Zootaxa 3
Avian Research 2 Journal of Integrati 2 PNAS 2
兽类学报 2 昆虫学报 2 Biology Letters 1
Bmc Evolutionary Bio 1 Bmc Genomics 1 Botanical Journal of 1
Cell Research 1 Cell Stem Cell 1 Database-the Journal 1
EBioMedicine 1 Ecology and Evolutio 1 Eurosurveillance 1
Evolutionary Biology 1 FRONTIERS IN GENETIC 1