当前检索式 ((ALL:Xu Zhang))
限定条件 ((专题:农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室))
Integrative Zoology 6 PLoS One 4 Current Zoology 3
Molecular Biology an 3 大自然 3 昆虫学报 3
Behavioral Ecology a 2 Frontiers in Zoology 2 INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY 2
Neuroscience 2 PNAS 2 Proceedings of the N 2
Proceedings of the R 2 Scientific Reports 2 兽类学报 2
应用昆虫学报 2 BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 1 Behavioral Ecology 1
Behavioral Ecology a 1 Biochemical Journal 1