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Interference with the mate-finding communication system of the Chinese tortrix Cydia trasias (Lep., Olethreutidae) using synthetic sex pheromones 期刊论文
Journal of Applied Entomology-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Entomologie, 2003, 卷号: 127, 期号: 5, 页码: 282-287
作者:  Zhang GF;  Sheng CF;  Han Y;  Meng XZ
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Olfactory responses of the leafminer Liriomyza sativae (Dipt., Agromyzidae) to the odours of host and non-host plants 期刊论文
Journal of Applied Entomology-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Entomologie, 2003, 卷号: 127, 期号: 2, 页码: 80-84
作者:  Zhao YX;  Kang L
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