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Superhelicity Constrains a Localized and R-Loop-Dependent Formation of G-Quadruplexes at the Upstream Region of Transcription 期刊论文
ACS Chemical Biology, 2017, 卷号: 12, 期号: 10, 页码: 2609-2618
Authors:  Zheng KW(郑克威);  He YD(何意得);  Liu HH(刘宏河);  Li XM(李新敏);  Hao YH(郝玉华);  Tan Z(谭铮)
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Exceptionally Selective and Tunable Sensing of Guanine Derivatives and Analogues by Structural Complementation in a G-Quadruplex 期刊论文
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2016, 卷号: 55, 期号: 44, 页码: 13759-13764
Authors:  Li XM(李新敏);  Zheng KW(郑克威);  Hao YH(郝玉华);  Tan Z(谭铮)
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Guanine-Vacancy-Bearing G-Quadruplexes Responsive to Guanine Derivatives 期刊论文
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 卷号: 112, 期号: 47, 页码: 14581-14586
Authors:  Li XM(李新敏);  Zheng KW(郑克威);  Zhang JY(张佳宇);  Liu HH(刘宏河);  He YD(何意得);  Bi-Feng Yuan;  Hao YH(郝玉华);  Tan Z(谭铮)
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大豆食心虫两种性诱芯和诱捕器田间诱蛾效果 期刊论文
黑龙江农业科学, 2013, 卷号: 5, 页码: 34-36
Authors:  王克勤;  梅相如;  刘兴龙;  邵天玉;  李新民;  盛承发;  赵奎军
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