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| Genetic differentiation in Sichuan jay (Perisoreus internigrans) and its sibling species Siberian jay (P. infaustus) 期刊论文 CONSERVATION GENETICS, 2020, 卷号: 21, 期号: 2, 页码: 319-327 Authors: Song Kai; Halvarsson Peter; Fang Y(方昀); Barnaby Jonathan; Germogenov Nickolai; Sun YH(孙悦华); Hoglund Jacob
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| Development of 34 SNP Markers Developed from the Genome Resequencing Dataset in Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) Using High Resolution Melting (HRM) 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics Resources, 2017, 卷号: 9, 期号: 2, 页码: 325-328 Authors: Wang BS(王博石); Li-Na Du; Li M(李明); Zhou QH(周岐海); Pan HJ(潘慧娟)
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| CATS Derived SNPs Discovery in the Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics Resources, 2014, 卷号: 6, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-3 Authors: Cheng C(程琛); Shu-Zhen Li; Wang BS(王博石); Luo MF(罗茂芳); Yun-Xia Yang; Yang G(杨光); Li M(李明)
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| Isolation and Characterization of 113 Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci for the Tibetan Frog (Nanorana parkeri) Using Next Generation Sequencing 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics Resources, 2013, 卷号: 5, 期号: 4, 页码: 915-924 Authors: Wang CM(王翠敏); Hu XJ(胡小菊); Xiang-Mo Xie; Liu PF(柳鹏飞); Juha Merila; Zhang Q(张琼); Li MH(李孟华)
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| Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers isolated from Dendrobenthamia japonica var. chinensis (Cornaceae) 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics Resources, 2012, 卷号: 4, 期号: 1, 页码: 155-157 Authors: Guan B. C.; Zhang E. B.; Gong X.; Zhou S. L.
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| Genetic diversity, population genetic structure and demographic history of Przewalski's gazelle (Procapra przewalskii): implications for conservation 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics, 2011, 卷号: 12, 期号: 6, 页码: 1457-1468 Authors: Yang J; Jiang ZG
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| The phylogeographic structure and conservation genetics of the endangered tree peony, Paeonia rockii (Paeoniaceae), inferred from chloroplast gene sequences 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics, 2011, 卷号: 12, 期号: 6, 页码: 1539-1549 Authors: Yuan J. H.; Cheng F. Y.; Zhou S. L.
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| Spatial genetic structure and dispersal of giant pandas on a mountain-range scale 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics, 2010, 卷号: 11, 期号: 6, 页码: 2145-2155 Authors: Hu YB; Zhan XJ; Qi DW; Wei FW
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| Isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci for White-headed Langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics Resources, 2010, 卷号: 2, 期号: 97-99 Authors: Sun T; Wang BS; Liu ZJ; Huang CM; Zhou QH; Li M
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| A new method for quantifying genotyping errors for noninvasive genetic studies 期刊论文 Conservation Genetics, 2010, 卷号: 11, 期号: 4, 页码: 1567-1571 Authors: Zhan XJ; Zheng XD; Bruford MW; Wei FW; Tao Y
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