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Overcoming Intrinsic H3K27me3 Imprinting Barriers Improves Post-implantation Development after Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer 期刊论文
CELL STEM CELL, 2020, 卷号: 27, 期号: 2, 页码: 315-325.e5
Authors:  Wang LY(王乐韵);  Li ZK(李治琨);  Wang LB(王立宾);  Liu C(刘超);  Sun XH(孙雪寒);  Feng GH(冯桂海);  Wang Jia-Qiang;  Li YF(李宇飞);  Qiao Lian-Yong;  Nie Hu;  Jiang Li-Yuan;  Sun H(孙昊);  Xie Ya-Li;  Ma Si-Nan;  Wan HF(万海峰);  Lu Fa-Long;  Li W(李伟);  Zhou Q(周琪)
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Rbm14 maintains the integrity of genomic DNA during early mouse embryogenesis via mediating alternative splicing 期刊论文
Cell Proliferation, 2019, 页码: e12724
Authors:  Li J(李静);  Wang CX(王晨鑫);  Feng GH(冯桂海);  Zhang LL(张琳琳);  GL Chen;  Sun H(孙昊);  Wang JQ(王加强);  Zhang Y(张映);  Zhou Q(周琪);  Li W(李伟)
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Cyclin B3 is required for metaphase to anaphase transition in oocyte meiosis I 期刊论文
Journal of Cell Biology, 2019, 卷号: 218, 期号: 5, 页码: 1553-1563
Authors:  Li YF(李宇飞);  Wang LY(王乐韵);  Zhang LL(张琳琳);  He ZQ(何正泉);  Feng GH(冯桂海);  Sun H(孙昊);  Wang JQ(王加强);  Li ZK(李治琨);  Liu C(刘超);  Han JB(韩稼葆);  Mao JJ(毛俊杰);  Li PC(李鹏承);  Yuan XW(袁雪薇);  Jiang LY(姜力元);  Zhang Y(张映);  Zhou Q(周琪);  Li W(李伟)
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Questions About NgAgo 期刊论文
Protein & Cell, 2016, 卷号: 7, 期号: 12, 页码: 913-915
Authors:  Shawn Burgess;  Lin-Zhao Cheng;  Gu F(谷峰);  Jun-Jiu Huang;  Huang ZW(黄志伟);  Shuo Lin;  Li JS(李劲松);  Li W(李伟);  Wei Qin;  Sun YJ(孙育杰);  Song-Yang Zhou;  Wei WS(魏文胜);  Wu Q(吴强);  Wang HY(王皓毅);  Wang XQ(王晓群);  Xiong JW(熊敬维);  Jian-Zhong Xi;  Yang H(杨辉);  Bin Zhou;  Bo Zhang
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Single-base resolution maps of cultivated and wild rice methylomes and regulatory roles of DNA methylation in plant gene expression 期刊论文
Bmc Genomics, 2012, 卷号: 13, 期号: 15
Authors:  Li X.;  Zhu J. D.;  Hu F. Y.;  Ge S.;  Ye M. Z.;  Xiang H.;  Zhang G. J.;  Zheng X. M.;  Zhang H. Y.;  Zhang S. L.;  Li Q.;  Luo R. B.;  Yu C.;  Yu J.;  Sun J. F.;  Zou X. Y.;  Cao X. F.;  Xie X. F.;  Wang J.;  Wang W.
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Centres of plant endemism in China: places for survival or for speciation? 期刊论文
Journal of Biogeography, 2011, 卷号: 38, 期号: 7, 页码: 1267-1280
Authors:  Lopez-Pujol J.;  Zhang F. M.;  Sun H. Q.;  Ying T. S.;  Ge S.
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Reproductive isolation and pollination success of rewarding Galearis diantha and non-rewarding Ponerorchis chusua (Orchidaceae) 期刊论文
Annals of Botany, 2011, 卷号: 107, 期号: 1, 页码: 39-47
Authors:  Sun H. Q.;  Huang B. Q.;  Yu X. H.;  Kou Y.;  An D. J.;  Luo Y. B.;  Ge S.
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Mountains of Southern China as "Plant Museums" and "Plant Cradles": Evolutionary and Conservation Insights 期刊论文
Mountain Research and Development, 2011, 卷号: 31, 期号: 3, 页码: 261-269
Authors:  Lopez-Pujol J.;  Zhang F. M.;  Sun H. Q.;  Ying T. S.;  Ge S.
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dbDEMC: a database of differentially expressed miRNAs in human cancers 期刊论文
Bmc Genomics, 2010, 卷号: 11, 期号: 8
Authors:  Yang Z.;  Ren F.;  Liu C. N.;  He S. M.;  Sun G.;  Gao Q. A.;  Yao L.;  Zhang Y. D.;  Miao R. Y.;  Cao Y.;  Zhao Y.;  Zhong Y.;  Zhao H. T.
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Positive effects of flower abundance and synchronous flowering on pollination success, and pollinia dispersal in rewardless Changnienia amoena (Orchidaceae) 期刊论文
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 卷号: 99, 期号: 3, 页码: 477-488
Authors:  Sun H. Q.;  Alexandersson R.;  Ge S.
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