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Transcription-Associated Mutation Promotes RNA Complexity in Highly Expressed Genes—A Major New Source of Selectable Variation 期刊论文
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2018, 卷号: 35, 期号: 5, 页码: 1104-1119
Authors:  Shengkai Pan;  Michael W.Bruford;  Yusong Wang;  林蓁蓁;  Zhongru Gu;  Xian Hou;  Xuemei Deng;  Andrew Dixon;  Jennifer A.Marshall Graves;  詹祥江
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Population genomics of wild Chinese rhesus macaques reveals a dynamic demographic history and local adaptation,with implications for biomedicalresearch 期刊论文
GigaScience, 2018, 卷号: 7, 页码: 1-14
Authors:  Liu ZJ(刘志瑾);  Xinxin Tan;  Pablo Orozco-terWenge;  Zhou XM(周旭明);  Liye Zhang;  Shilin Tian;  Zhongze Yan;  Huailiang Xu;  Ren BP(任宝平);  Peng Zhang;  Zuofu Xiang;  Binghua Sun;  Christian Roos;  Michael W.Bruford;  Li M(李明)
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Population Transcriptomes Reveal Synergistic Responses of DNA Polymorphism and RNA Expression to Extreme Environments on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in a Predatory Bird 期刊论文
Molecular Ecology, 2017, 卷号: 26, 期号: 11, 页码: 2993-3010
Authors:  Pan SK(潘胜凯);  Tong-Zuo Zhang;  Zheng-Qin Rong;  Hu L(胡莉);  Gu ZR(谷中如);  Wu Q(吴琦);  Shan-Shan Dong;  Qiong Liu;  Lin ZZ(林蓁蓁);  Lucia Deutschova;  Li XH(李欣海);  Andrew Dixon;  Michael W.Bruford;  Zhan XJ(詹祥江)
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Evidence for Deleterious Effects of Harness-Mounted Satellite Transmitters on Saker Falcons Falco cherrug 期刊论文
Bird Study, 2016, 卷号: 63, 期号: 1, 页码: 96-106
Authors:  Andrew Dixon;  Dimitar Ragyov;  Gankhuyag Purev-Ochir;  Md.Lutfor Rahman;  Nyambayar Batbayar;  Michael W.Bruford;  Zhan XJ(詹祥江)
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Population Genomics Reveals Low Genetic Diversity and Adaptation to Hypoxia in Snub-Nosed Monkeys 期刊论文
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2016, 卷号: 33, 期号: 10, 页码: 2670-2681
Authors:  Zhou XM(周旭明);  Xue-Hong Meng;  Liu ZJ(刘志瑾);  Chang J(常江);  Wang BS(王博石);  Li MZ(李明洲);  Pablo Orozco-terWengel;  Shi-Lin Tian;  Chang-Long Wen;  Wang ZM(王子明);  Paul A Garber;  Pan HJ(潘慧娟);  Xin-Ping Ye;  Xiang ZF(向左甫);  Michael W.Bruford;  Scott V.Edwards;  Yin-Chuan Cao;  Shuan-Cang Yu;  Lian-Ju Gao;  Zhi-Sheng Cao;  Liu GJ(刘广建);  Ren BP(任宝平);  Shi FL(史芳磊);  Zalan Peterfi;  Li DY(黎大勇);  Li BG(李保国);  Zhi Jiang;  Li JS(李俊生);  Vadim N.Gladyshev;  Li RQ(李瑞强);  Li M(李明)
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Prospects and Challenges for the Conservation of Farm Animal Genomic Resources, 2015-2025 期刊论文
Frontiers in Genetics, 2015, 卷号: 6, 页码: Article No.314
Authors:  Michael W.Bruford;  Catarina Ginja;  Irene Hoffmann;  Stéphane Joost;  Pablo Orozco-terWengel;  Florian Alberto;  Andreia Amaral;  Mario Barbato;  Filippo Biscarini;  Licia Colli;  Mafalda Costa;  Ino Curik;  Solange Duruz;  Maja Ferenčaković;  Danie Fischer;  Robert Fitak;  Linn F.Groeneveld;  Stephen J.G.Hall;  Olivier Hanotte;  Faiz-ul Hassan;  Philippe Helsen;  Laura Iacolina;  Juha Kantanen;  Kevin Leempoel;  Johannes A.Lenstra;  Paolo Ajmone-Marsan;  Charles Masembe;  Hendrik-Jan Megens;  Mara Miele;  Markus Neuditschko;  Ezequiel L.Nicolazzi;  François Pompanon;  Jutta Roosen;  Natalia Sevane;  Anamarija Smetko;  Anamaria Štambuk;  Ian Streeter;  Sylvie Stucki;  China Supakorn;  Luis Telo da Gama;  Michèle Tixier-Boichard;  Daniel Wegmann;  Zhan XJ(詹祥江)
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Genetic Consequences of Historical Anthropogenic and Ecological Events on Giant Pandas 期刊论文
Ecology, 2013, 卷号: 94, 期号: 10, 页码: 2346-2357
Authors:  Zhu LF(朱立峰);  Hu YB(胡义波);  Qi DW(齐敦武);  Wu H(吴华);  Zhan XJ(詹祥江);  Zhang ZJ(张泽军);  Michael W.Bruford;  Jin-Liang Wang;  Xu-Yu Yang;  Gu XD(古晓东);  Zhang L(张雷);  Zhang BW(张保卫);  Zhang SN(张陕宁);  Wei FW(魏辅文)
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