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中国脊椎动物2020年新增物种 期刊论文
生物多样性, 2021, 卷号: 29, 期号: 8, 页码: 1021-1025
Authors:  王斌;  蔡波;  陈蔚涛;  温知新;  张德志;  何舜平;  雷富民;  杨奇森;  江建平
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武陵山地区哺乳动物的区系特征与多样性保护 期刊论文
世界生态学, 2021
Authors:  黄昀;  蒋能;  何娇阳;  郑义锋;  阳佳宁;  黄太福;  李春旺;  刘志霄
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张家界国家森林公园猕猴行为时间分配、利手性及人猴关系的初步研究 期刊论文
世界生态学, 2021, 卷号: 10, 期号: 1, 页码: 90-99
Authors:  蒋能;  郑义锋;  黄昀;  伍丽艳;  何娇阳;  阳佳宁;  周婧;  李春旺;  刘志霄
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Varying support for abundance-centre and congeneric-competition hypotheses along elevational transects of mammals 期刊论文
Authors:  Wen ZX(温知新);  Ge DY(葛德燕);  Feijo Anderson;  Du Yuanbao;  Cheng JL(程继龙);  Sun Jian;  Wang Yanqun;  Xia L(夏霖);  Yang QS(杨奇森)
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Elevation patterns and critical environmental drivers of the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of small mammals in a karst mountain area 期刊论文
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 19, 页码: 10899-10911
Authors:  Sun Jian;  Wen ZX(温知新);  Feijo Anderson;  Cheng JL(程继龙);  Wang Yanqun;  Li Song;  Ge DY(葛德燕);  Xia L(夏霖);  Yang QS(杨奇森)
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Effects of thyroid hormones and cold acclimation on the energy metabolism of the striped hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) 期刊论文
Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 2019, 卷号: 189, 期号: 1, 页码: 153-165
Authors:  Wen J闻靖;  Qiao QG;  Zhao ZJ;  Wang DH王德华;  Zheng WH;  Wang ZX;  Liu JS
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Single xenotransplant of rat brown adipose tissue prolonged the ovarian lifespan of aging mice by improving follicle survival 期刊论文
Aging Cell, 2019, 卷号: 6, 页码: e13024
Authors:  Chen LJ;  Yang ZX;  Wang Y;  Du L;  Li YR;  Zhang NN;  Gao WY;  Peng RR;  Zhu FY;  Wang LL;  Li CR;  Li JM;  Wang FQ;  Sun QY(孙青原);  Zhang D(张东)
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Research trends on bats in China: a twenty-first century review 期刊论文
Mammalian Biology, 2019, 卷号: 98, 页码: 163-172
Authors:  Feijó;  A.;  Wang;  Y.;  Sun;  J.;  Li;  F.;  Wen ZX(温知新);  Ge DY(葛德燕);  Xia L(夏霖);  Yang QS(杨奇森)
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Human Clinical-Grade Parthenogenetic ESC-Derived Dopaminergic Neurons Recover Locomotive Defects of Nonhuman Primate Models of Parkinson’s Disease 期刊论文
Stem Cell Reports, 2018, 卷号: 11, 期号: 1, 页码: 171-182
Authors:  王昱凯;  朱宛宛;  吴孟华;  吴一卉;  刘征鑫;  梁灵敏;  盛超;  郝捷;  王柳;  李伟;  周琪;  胡宝洋
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RAPID COMMUNICATION : Generation of FGF5 Knockout Sheep via the CRISPR/Cas9 System 期刊论文
Journal of Animal Science, 2017, 卷号: 95, 期号: 5, 页码: 2019-2024
Authors:  R.Hu;  Z.Y.Fan;  B.Y.Wang;  Deng SL(邓守龙);  X.S.Zhang;  J.L.Zhang;  Han HB(韩红兵);  Lian ZX(连正兴)
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